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Since November 2022 Jan Erik is working with several high precision electronic instruments developed in Germany and Switzerland, the result of more than a century of research and development in the field of electromagnetics, microcurrent electrics and magnetic radiation. These biomodulation devices with a unique frequency range are at the forefront of this fast-emerging technology. They address all aspects of the human body and conditions and can be used as analytical and therapeutic tool on its own and in combination with other therapies.
Bioresonance incorporates the fact that (human) life consists of energy and matter and is animated by information. Matter (biochemistry), energy (biophysics) and information (Bioresonance) have an equal place. Whilst conventional medicine usually operates on a material level (and rejects or compartmentalises other approaches), it has been proven that matter is fundamentally a result of energy and information. The human body is an electromagnetic field that can be measured and treated energetically. During BioSonics measurements millions of micro-current impulses are sent via electrodes into the body, and its response/resonance to these signals (oscillations) are assigned to body structures, body systems and substances, disclosing “peculiarities” caused by imbalances or pathogens. BioSonics treatments use micro-current and electromagnetic oscillations to trigger biochemical processes towards healing through the information they contain, with the goal of restoration of the body’s self-regulatory abilities.
Biosresonance Therapy has been successfully used to treat complains such as acute and chronic disorders, allergies, dermatological diseases, gastro-intestinal disorders, chronic and degenerative (auto-immune) diseases, chronic toxic contamination, neurological disorders, pain syndromes, malignant diseases, dependency symptoms and hormonal problems. The treatment is painless and no harmful side-effects have been observed.
Jan Erik’s treatments are tailored after consultation to your individual needs, whether you are looking to reduce tensions or blockages, aid recovery from an injury or illness, increase your flexibility or simply reduce stress and relax – you will find yourself in good hands with him.
Fees are £75/90mins measurement and treatment, or £200 for 3 treatments.
Please note that there is a 24-hour cancellation policy and a full payment is required if you do not cancel/postpone your appointment in time.
Accepted forms of payment are credit/debit cards (£1 surplus charge), cash, BACS transfers and PayPal. Please check with your insurer to confirm your level of cover and if the practitioner is recognised.
Jan Erik is tax registered and liability insured.
When possible, he will only work with natural products of the highest quality. Disclaimer: Massage/Reflexology/Reiki and Biomodulation should not be used in place of conventional medical care. Always consult a GP or other health professional for medical attention and advice.
- “Excellent! Very professional! Highly recommend!” Bev
- “First visit..with Jan Erik! Magic hands..good job!!!” Anna-Maria
- “Perfect treatment and great advice but just take care not to have too much to do for at least an hour afterwards Thank you Jan I got to do a great show that night.” Robert
- “Excellent! I would def recommend. I got lots of explanations and an aftercare email with helpful, relevant stretches for self-help. Thank you!” Lucy
- “Jan Erik is excellent in providing a combination of massage and physio therapy and within a comforting yet professional environment – I was in very good hands.” Katharina